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Storage Slots

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If you use storage in your contract, the default storage values will be generated in a JSON file (e.g. my_contract-storage_slots.json) by the Sway compiler. These are loaded automatically for you when you load a contract binary. If you wish to override some of the defaults, you need to provide the corresponding storage slots manually:

use fuels::{programs::contract::Contract, tx::StorageSlot};
let slot_override = StorageSlot::new([1; 32].into(), [2; 32].into());
let storage_config =
let load_config =
let _: Result<_> = Contract::load_from("...", load_config);

If you don't have the slot storage file (my_contract-storage_slots.json example from above) for some reason, or you don't wish to load any of the default values, you can disable the auto-loading of storage slots:

use fuels::programs::contract::Contract;
let storage_config = StorageConfiguration::default().with_autoload(false);
let load_config =
let _: Result<_> = Contract::load_from("...", load_config);